I nave been talking a good bit to folks (yes actual folks) about their careers or challenges they are facing due to the COVID-19 pandemic or an industry that was once their passion, but has changed due to circumstances beyond all control. Many of the folks that I talked to were adults in their late 20’s or up to their mid 40’s. I really wanted to hear their thoughts, ideas, and what they see from their perspective in life. Also, I wanted to challenge them and question them about a career change to Information Technology.

I really wanted to hear their thoughts, ideas, and what they see from their perspective in life.

I will be honest, knowing that this would evoke a cold blank stare in return proved my theory was not false. IMHO Information Technology is the largest and most diverse career path that holds no limits, boundaries, or glass ceilings. If you can do it right, a career in Information Technology can be the same as writing your own ticket in life and career satisfaction. True, some leave technology, but it is often for reasons that are personal to them and not because of the field.

One of the things that I find is that most folks have no idea what is in the big wide open field of information technology (IT). Most of the time what people think is they work in a help desk call center, or write code, or fix computers. Yes these jobs are part of the picture, but the field is so vast and open that I really feel there is something for everyone. Like you.

But why you?

Honestly I am a big prejudiced here. In my late thirties I was able to shift from working in a manufacturing role at a company to a start in the IT department as the help desk guy who did some programming when he could. Twenty plus years later this change plus a ton of hard work has paid off greatly. Life is too short to work all day or night in a job that does not pay your bills, gives you no satisfaction, or does not help you grow as a person and contributor to the better good.

Most of the time what people think is they work in a help desk call center, or write code, or fix computers. Yes these jobs are part of the picture, but the field is so vast and open that I really feel there is something for everyone

Think about yourself and your work. If you are happy and satisfied, good for you. But if you know you need something different, or need to resurrect your career asperations because of all the fun that was 2020, let’s talk.

Why You?

Because you can and I believe in you. Follow me here and I will keep on writing about why you can succeed in IT and what I think are fabulous opportunities and how you can work your way into them.
