What Was The Last Thing…

It is easy to get into a slump professionally, and even easier to not notice that you are in a slump. Being a professional in any trade at any level is critically important because that is how you put food on your table, cars in the garage, and a roof overhead. Your income gives you options and it is nice to have those options.

Back to the slump. If you are working hard, work gets hard. It gets tiring, it gets repetitive, it comes with more headaches, and it continues to reward you for the effort. The better position you are in the better the rewards. Remember that. But the slump occurs when you are too busy producing than looking to be better at being productive.

Productivity includes many things. First, it is how effective you are at necessary things. And following that in no particular order are things like how you keep up with the day-to-day, the projects, the assignments, requests, and producing what it is that you produce.

But no matter how productive you may be, you can be better. Better at methods of working, better at time management, better at sustainability, better at communicating, better at new ideas, and better at being better.

So what was the last thing you did to improve yourself?

I being honest asked myself that last night and this question quickly sheds light on a possible slumping in my professional life. This is a great question to ask yourself often. When I am doing my best and feeling very physically and mentally well it is because I am working well and improving. Getting a sense of really being good and making a difference is an exceptional key to professional well-being.

So what was the last thing you did to improve yourself?

No methods or tips here, just that question. Now go for it and do some improvements.

Published by Mike Moegling

I am an out of the box programming artist and professional business geek. Working to bring fresh and new ideas, a sense of fun and adventure, and innovation to my world and work. Right now I am hot on application modernization and programming modernization for the IBM System I platform. But my interests don't stop there, topics like Web 2.0, project management, current business trends, United States and World news, executive trends, and all things programming.

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