
Hey this is Mike. This is my blog and other pages.

I am a busy guy with lots of interests and I write about them all. To stay somewhat organized I will pick a topic and write about that. You will find me writing about work and working, music, being a musician, technology, code, and data, and some about life and my perspectives on it. I believe in being encouraging, honest, and helpful.

On Technology, Code, and Data – I am professionally entrenched in providing solutions to enhance productivity, help those doing the work of the business get more out of the effort they put in, bring visualization and a views into processes, and create new opportunities using technology.

That is a lot of fancy words for “I get to know and analyze business functions, design and architect solutions, and are a full stack developer/programmer who drives projects from the start to the finish and all the data in between.” I have been coding and working with databases for over twenty five years and specialize in working with manufacturing and distribution companies.

I work with many technologies and all the nuances involved and the job is never boring if I am doing it right. You can find more about me professionally on my Linked In profile. https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikemoegling/

On Music – Music is the threads of life that tie us all together. I love what I do professionally but I would be lying if I did not tell you what I think about the most is music. I have been a musician for over 40 years and play multiple instruments and once in a while do a good job on several of them. I am passionate about music and will discuss and pontificate on many topics from time to time. In these sessions of musical exploration I hope to share insights into the hearts and minds of musicians and music lovers and maybe you will find some new music to be the song track of your day.

On Life – Just to be honest, I have been on this planet for awhile. I am a husband, father, and a grandfather. I am getting older but am not old. I like the think, ponder, and ask questions. In the beginning of my adult life I started out on the meager end of things. Over time some very valuable things have helped me grow and eventually things started working out. I want to explore life, and wish to explore more here with you.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikemoegling/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikemoegling/

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